The digital logbook
for shipping

The event-based app for tracking, reporting, and collaboration between “ship & shore”

NautilusLog app proactively digitises processes in two worlds.

The App supports the crew on board and their onshore management by tracking ships and automatically generating events and tasks. For example, the NautilusLog app reminds the crew to change fuel in good time before reaching an emission control area and documents all relevant data and actions in the digital logbook. In addition, the app supports external maritime stakeholders in the provision of their services, for example, in the performance of inventories and inspections of ships including their machinery and safety equipment.

Both worlds demand reports. At a push of a button, the NautilusLog app automatically generates for example emission and condition reports and inventories of hazardous materials.

If you are interested to use NautilusLog app, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The NautilusLog app – simple and powerful

it helps you to concentrate on the essentials and adapts to your needs.

Ready for immediate use

The NautilusLog app is based on modern and robust technologies. It has been specially designed and tested to meet the needs on board ships. On board, the app collects all relevant data by means of at least two smartphones. The app automatically synchronises with the NautilusLog cloud via the on-board or mobile network. It prioritises your data and always chooses the cheapest connection for access to the internet.

Keep up to date automatically

The NautilusLog app collects all relevant logbook data, for example positions, routes sailed, cargo aboard, information regarding weather and conditions of hull, machinery, safety equipment, etc. Most collection is fully automatic, e.g. via GPS sensors - which saves time and is accurate. Get an overview anywhere or any time without distracting you or your employees. The NautilusLog app keeps your digital logbook, creates reports, and contacts you if necessary.

Secure teamwork

Use the NautilusLog app both in your office on land as well as on board the ships in your fleet. The app is flexible and adapts to your employees and partners’ tasks. They decide what information is provided to whom. No matter when and where it’s needed.

Flexible integration into existing systems

The NautilusLog app is an open platform that provides you and your service providers with all the collected data. You retain control over your data and benefit from automated processes on board your ships. And you can do this without making further investments or changing systems or service providers. This saves time and money.

It’s ready to go – wherever you are

Select the easiest route, and get started straight away. Automate your data collection and create individual reports. Control tasks on land and on board your ships. Save costs by leveraging your existing infrastructure.

  • Install the NautilusLog app directly from the Google PlayStore

    The NautilusLog app runs on popular Android smartphones and is available any time and anywhere. You don’t need to send installation data or perform manual updates. You’re always automatically up to date.

  • Just click “start”, and let the NautilusLog app do the rest

    The NautilusLog app captures all relevant data and automatically generates tasks for you and your crew. That means nothing is forgotten, and everyone can concentrate on their real tasks. All information is also available to you in your office on land.

  • All data are available in the NautilusLog app and cloud

    The NautilusLog app provides you with hourly, daily, event-based or summarised reports. You decide where the reports go and what you do with them.

The NautilusLog app:
Successfully tested, and ready for you to use.

Would you like to know more?
Do you have questions?

We look forward to speaking with you!

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