NautilusLog enables the global maritime industry to act transparently, sustainably and safely at all times.
The young technology company improves operational capabilities throughout the lifecycle of maritime assets at sea and on land.
The international experts unite partners of the maritime industry with data-based reporting and recommendations for action for a trustful cooperation.
Users of digital solutions from NautilusLog offer customers and partners at sea and on land safe ship operations through transparent documentation and trustworthy communication in real time.
With Smart Operations, digitally-connected innovators in the maritime industry ensure compliant behaviour on board, for cargo, during transport and in all relevant business processes.
With NautilusLog, customers and partners can rely on German and European data security as well as data use without media discontinuity and attractive digital services.
NautilusLog enables the collection and provision, evaluation and assessment of maritime data with scalable products and digital services in the office and on board, on the bridge and in operations.
The maritime service provider integrates internally and externally provided networked sensors and actuators on machines and cargo within the framework of Internet of Things for evaluation with machine learning and active recommendations.
NautilusLog offers customers and partners a powerful cloud platform for data collection and provision, mobile applications for data access and evaluation and a digital logbook for future-proof business operations.
The maritime industry is facing serious challenges due to national and international requirements to provide transparent documentation and operational processes in terms of environmental and social behaviour.
Small-scale processes, complex reconciliations and traditional business models make it difficult to comply with increasing regulatory requirements - multiplied by analogue data capture.
Missing data and lack of knowledge lead to blind spots and unknown risks in the networked business world. The result is increased costs due to more regulation and missed opportunities in an increasingly digital business world.
NautilusLog offers a sophisticated hazardous substance management as a digital service - from the creation to the maintenance of the hazardous substance register (IHM) incl. the documentation of the ship in the stages of its life cycle and its components.
The automatic detection of hazards and their relevance based on networked, collected and evaluated data provides early warnings, active recommendations for action for crew and management, and as such safe operation for all involved.